Trade Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee

Helping to promote trade policies to help U.S. exporters

The mission of the Trade Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee is to identify, support, and promote the trade policies of the U.S. that will result in an increase in U.S. exports, enhancement of the competitive position of U.S. exporters, and improvement in the U.S. balance of trade. In addition, this committee’s mission includes identification, supports and advocacy of key trade legislative issues which impact American exporters (particularly small to medium-sized exporters), the U.S. export competitive position, the Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, the U.S. Commercial Service, and the legislative activities of the local DECs.

These trade legislative issues include matters such as free trade agreements and federal government exporter assistance programs, including, for example, U.S. Commercial Service’s Gold Key service and U.S. Export-Import Bank export financing programs. Trade Policy and Legislative Affairs Committee also identifies foreign trade barriers that hinder U.S. exporters and exports, as well as the U.S. legislative and regulatory policies that are disincentives to exporting.

The Western Pennsylvania District Export Council’s lead member for Trade Policy and Legislative Affairs is Mr. Jack Adams. To engage the Western Pennsylvania DEC on a trade policy related issues, please contact Mr. Adams at

Contact Congress

To contact your local U.S. Representative or U.S. Senator please use the following links: